Press Release Summary: We sell recycled papers for printing and cleaning to use in your office, home and school. We offer recycled paper napkins, tissues, towels, letterhead papers and stationary.
Press Release Body: Survey Says: U.S. Employees Want to Work for Green Companies and Purchase Green Products
In December of 2007 Corporate Express US, a supplier of office supplies, conducted a survey of 7,660 US workers and found that 64 percent are \"strongly\" or \"somewhat\" influenced by a company\'s environmental practices or polices, when making the decision to purchase a product or apply for employment.
Another survey conducted in October of 2007 produced similar results. According to a recent Ipsos Mori survey, 80% of respondents across 15 developed nations would prefer working for a company that "has a good reputation for environmental responsibility".
With these statistics, it makes sense to let the world, and in particular your potential employees and customers, know that you are a green company.
If your company is purchasing green energy, using recycled paper, carpooling and biking, recycling almost everything, using non-toxic cleaners, changing your lighting, improving office air quality, then you can become GREEN OFFICE CERTIFIED.
The Green Office Certification Greenline Paper offers the Green Office Certification to companies which meet our environmentally friendly certification requirements. The company must use energy wisely, recycle, use recycled products, and be environmentally savvy. There are 24 questions concerning topics like energy, building construction, supplies, recycling and transportation, which determine your green ranking. The form takes approximately 10 minutes to fill out. If you meet our requirements, we will send you a certification graphic for your website, which when clicked, will show the date of your certification. Show the world that you are environmentally friendly with a Green Office Certificate! Click on the logo below to begin your certification process.
Begin the process of getting your Green Office Certification. Once qualified, you will receive permission to use our emblem on your website, letterhead and other materials.
Web Site:
Contact Details: 800-641-1117 717-846-3806 GreenLine Paper Company, 631 S. Pine Street City : York State : PA 17403